The International Society for the History of the Map
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The Current Situation
this is what you need to know ...
The Hon. Chair of ISHMAP for 2016–17, Prof. Zsolt Török, failed to complete basic tasks required for the constitutional existence of the Society. As a result, ISHMap's Annual General Meeting in July 2017 was forced to elect a new council.
Prof. Török has refused to abide by this election, claiming the AGM was illegal. He therefore continues to claim to be Hon. Chair even though, according to the Society's Constitution and By-Laws, he ceased to be Hon. Chair as of 30 June 2017.
Prof. Török established a website and listserv for ISHMap, using servers at his own institution. The non-functionality of that website is, in large part, the cause of the Society's constitutional crisis.
Prof. Török is using his control of the website and listserv to continue to claim to be Hon. Chair and to claim to be the only "democratic" society and to confuse the international community. Indeed, on 14 December 2018 he posted a solicitation for membership fees.
The ISHMap Council is adamant that Prof. Török's actions are illegitimate, ill-advised, and detrimental to the health of the international community of map historians.
Please see other pages on this temporary website for more complete explanations of the constitutional crisis.
The Current Situation (this page)
Explanation of the 2017 Constitutional Crisis
Become a member of ISHMap and subscribe to Imago MundIi
ISHMap Council for 2017–18:
Matthew H. Edney, Hon. Chair
Leif Isaksen, Hon. Treasurer
James R. Akerman, Hon. Secretary
Junía Furtado, Trustee