Contributions to Map History

Matthew H. Edney

updated 6 February 2025

Contributions to Map History – Table of Contents [pdf 103kb]

Contributions to Map History – vol. 1 (2017–18) [pdf 3.3mb]

Contributions to Map History – vol. 2 (2019) [pdf 2.3mb]

Contributions to Map History – vol. 3 (2020) [pdf 6.7mb]

Contributions to Map History – vol. 4 (2021) [pdf 3.8mb]

Contributions to Map History – vol. 5 (2022) [pdf 1.2mb]

Contributions to Map History – vol. 6 (2023) [pdf 2.9mb]

Contributions to Map History – vol. 7 (2024) [pdf 2.6mb]

To cite these Contributions

Entire series and specific essay (author-date):

Edney, Matthew H. 2017–2024. “Contributions to Map History.” 7 vols.

Edney 2017–24, 2:84–89

Specific essay (note form):

Matthew H. Edney, “‘A Handsome Exhibit of the Land,’” in Contributions to Map History 2 (10 May 2019): 84–89.


I provide these compilations of the more substantive posts from this site as annual PDF volumes, for three reasons:

• the archive and search functions that came with the web service have proven to be intermittent, so I cannot guarantee that they will be working whenever someone needs to follow the general URL to a cited blog post;

• to create a consistent format for the posts that permit them to be easily cited (as vol: pages) without having to cite each post individually with long URLs;

• given that the website will eventually disappear, the collected volumes create a more sustainable format for the posts that will outlive the blog itself, whether in a university’s digital collections or as hard-copy print outs.

The compilations exclude posts that, at time of compilation, a) represent thoughts and ideas from particular moments in time that have not held up well as I have continued to work; b) are being superseded by properly peer-reviewed published essays; and c) deal with minor matters (announcements and the like).

I have made some interventions in the entries. By and large I have kept the text as it existed on the site as of the time of compilation, but I have made small corrections to fix grammar and spelling errors encountered in the compilation process, and also to update terminology that has changed. Figures have been relocated as necessary and numbered, and call-outs inserted into the text. I have converted notes to actual footnotes.